Jemima and Persis' Awesome Pages

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Dragons.

 I waited. And waited. How long did it take for a dragon to fly to the Rose Country? A while, apparently. I waited for about 20 minutes, which is a long time for an impatient, longing eleven year old like me. Finally, impatience won and I blew the whistle again. About thirty seconds later, a horrible, straining thirty seconds, a beautiful blue dragon landed in the front yard. I grabbed the young dragon in my arms and thanked him for coming. Then I told him (In dragon language, of course) to wait for me, for in my impatience I had forgotten to pack. I ran to my room and threw  supplies and food into my leather backpack, and attached my beautiful sword to my belt. I dashed downstairs, through the kitchen, and out the door. But then I stopped. I went back inside and told Dad I was going to the beach for a few weeks. The funny thing was, my Dad was so certain that a dragon girl could take care of herself, he let me. So I unfurled my wings, (My leather backpack was specially designed so I could fit it between my annoying wings) and Fred and I took flight into the sky, without a clue what this would be like.
I should tell, you, I knew something like this would happen someday, and I had prepared for it since I was old enough to understand that I was different. Every day, I would practice and train. I would do karate, fencing, anything, and I learned how to take care of myself. but then I met Jemima. I reached into my shirt, and pulled out a triangular shaped blue and white locket with the initials P.J. carved messily on the top. Fingers trembling, I opened the delicate necklace, and stared sadly at the picture inside. Two little girls, each about nine years old but who looked way younger, one with blonde hair and one with blue, were smiling, without a care in the world about how different they were from the rest of the world. Smiling, like all was well, and always would be. I looked like I always had, lithe, carefree and brave, with pretty little Jemima all lively and sparkling, like a blue rose unfurling into the sunlight for the first time. How wonderful those times had been, a wonderful two and a half years. And now I would see Jemima again! The real thing, the flower now in full bloom, curling, sprouting, reaching for the clouds, touching the soft damp balls, laughing and smiling, but with a dark secret.


After I blew the whistle I wondered what was supposed to happen. Was Persis supposed to appear? Was I just supposed to walk? I really didn't know. I put the whistle up to my mouth and I was about to blow it but all of a sudden a silver dragon with a orange beard appeared in front of my window. "What the heck?" I said "What? Have you never seen a flying talking dragon before?" asked the dragon, (I couldn't tell if he was serious or if he was being sarcastic.) I found my self wondering if Persis's dragon had appeared yet. I mean she did live on the other side of the rose country. the dragon hovered for a moment then he landed softly on the lawn. I yawned it seemed I was so exited I hadn't gotten much sleep. I looked out the window down at the dragon, he was eating mums flowers. . . (mum wouldn't be happy 'bout that) I finally gave in and I grabbed my trunk and hopped out the window. I landed on the dragons back but I slid of immediately, the dragons back was very slick and slippery. "What now Jemma?" asked the dragon. "H-H-How do you know my name?" I asked, because I had certainly never seen him before. "Pull out that locket in your shirt," he said. I obeyed. I opened the locket, In there was a picture of two innocent girls, one with blonde hair and one with blue, their eyes looked happy and full of excitement... if only that could have lasted. Those were the times when me and Persis didn't have any troubles, but now, two and a half years later we were in grave danger, and I had a secret that could get us both killed. I sighed and looked up at the dragon. "You must be Fred's brother" I said, I smiled. "Yes, yes, yes that's me now go say your goodbyes and come on." he said. I went inside "Goodbye mum, Goodbye Dad, I'm going to the beach with, uh, Persis." I said, my parents weren't very protective and of course they said yes. "Here's a camera sweetie, take loads of pictures." said mum, absentmindedly. I flew out the door and hopped on my dragon, "Let's go!" I said "Oh, whats your name?" "Greedle" he said. "Alright, Greedle, let's go!" I said. With that Greedle soared into the sky, we looked like a perfect picture. I smiled "I bet Persis is doing the same thing I'm doing right now."


Friday, December 30, 2011

The secret.

I, Persis Bair Tashmond was pit pattering on the computer. I am half dragon, because my Mom is a white norrier. (A kind of dragon) So I am stuck with pointed ears and wings, and almost no friends. Almost. My only human friend is named Jemima. She lives in the blue rose kingdom, and I live in the White rose kingdom. My only other friend is Fred. He is a nalbanian groothbork, (also a kind of dragon) and lives all the way in Iceland.  So basically I am friendless. So anyway, I was pit pattering on the computer. I froze. I looked closely at my email. It was Jemima! I had my first email in nine months that wasn't my from my Dad or myself!  I had put my email on invisable, so Jemima wouldn't know I was on. I brought the arrow over to the email and clicked on it. When I saw it, I gasped. It said:

Persis, It's Jemima there is something I have to tell you and if I don't extremely bad things could happen. It's too important to tell you over email. Meet me at the purple rose kingdom in a week. that's how long it usually takes by flight. It's urgent. Yours Truly, Jemima

Bring your sword.

 I didnt know what to think. I just knew what I had to do. I slammed my blue and silver laptop shut, hopped off my bed and went over to  my dresser. There lay a small silver whistle. I had two, but I gave the other one to Jemima in case she ever needed to- Oh, I'll get to that later. Well, anyway, I took the whistle, placed it on my lips and blew. 
Fred would take it from there.

"I wish I could see her sometime soon" I thought , as I stared at a picture of Persis. "She would understand." I thought again...*sigh*..... I walked over to the window, I stared out at the yellowed field of wildflowers. They used to be so colorful and happy, but then Persis left. Persis had been my best friend and she still was, it was just a little more complicated now. "Well, I'm a bit hungry, I better go to the kitchen and see if there's anything to eat,"  I said, my stomach growled loudly. At this time my kingdom was in the middle of a big debate, a debate that was in someways my fault. Me and Persis were best friends but I was from the Blue rose kingdom and she was from the White rose kingdom. When Persis had come to visit it was because her father had some work to do with the blue rose kingdom's queen. And because my mother was the blue rose queen, that meant Persis and her family would be staying there for a while. Me and Persis instantly became best friends and we took an oath saying nothing would ever tear us apart. we were best friends until that dreadful day when Persis had to leave.  We said our tearful goodbyes and we decided we would be email pen pals. Our mothers agreed to the idea and I got to work.  A few weeks went by and I still hadn't heard back from Persis. I was getting worried and there was something I HAD to tell her. I sent her an email that said:

Persis, It's Jemima there is something I have to tell you and if I don't extremely bad things could happen. It's too important to tell you over email. Meet me at the purple rose kingdom in a week. That's how long it usually takes by flight. It's urgent. Yours Truly, Jemima

Bring your sword.

I went up to my room but this time I went over to my dresser. I pulled out an old faded piece of paper, a paper Persis had given me and told me only to use when I truly needed her. I opened the paper and into my lap fell a silver whistle with a blue rose and a white rose engraved on it. There was writing on the paper it said:

The one with the truest heart, is the one that can open up the lock,
The one who has a secret to share, is the one with the blue and white hair.

I read it over a couple times, then I blew the whistle.


Hello! I am Persis. I am from the white rose kingdom. I have naturally light blonde hair, green eyes, and I live with my Dad. I am all over the newspaper because my Mom is a white dragon. Here is a picture of her:

Beautiful, isn't she? Anyway, I got some of my qualities from her. I look mostly human, but I can breathe fire (When I'm angry!) and I have wings (That I can fold up, no smacking my classmates!) and my ears are a little two pointy for other kids affection. In other words, I have only one friend, Jemima, but I rarely see her, 'cause she lives in the blue rose kingdom, which is as far from here as Florida is from Texas!
So sad.
Well anyway, we made this blog as a way of FINALLY doing something together!
Now since Jemima posted a pic of herself, I don't see why I shouldn't. So here it is!

I didn't know that picture was being taken when it was, so it is kinda random. But that bird distracted me for the entire archery lesson!
well this is a bit long isn't it? id better finish...
Good bye from Persis!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jemma here.

Hello my friends. Jemma here (Jemima) personally I thought Persis did a fabulous job on the last post. but my favorite kingdom would have to be the blue  rose kingdom. The blue rose kingdom is beautiful and includes wonderful, talented, beautiful, magnificent people.....and is me! I was born in the blue rose kingdom....Might be why i have fairly long, blue hair... mum said its not but grand mum said its the magic of the petals.. here is a pic of me!!:
 and here is a pic of a rose my mum put in my hair when i was born:
Magic Rose.

All the roses.

Okay, let me begin with the first rose.
The White Rose.

 there are many more white roses, with equal beauty, but this is a lovely picture.
The white rose is famous for its utter 
beauty and softness. Some of the other rose
kingdoms are secretly jealous of the white
rose kingdom, though they don't realize
the white rose kingdom knows it.
The white rose stands for beauty and
bravery both. They are known for their
rare beauty, and their strange way's of 
showing it, usually using bravery.
The White Rose Kingdom is also known
as the dragon kingdom.

Then there is the second rose.
The Yellow Rose.

there are many beautiful yellow roses, making the decision very hard.
The tribe of the yellow rose symbolizes 
friendship, wits and bravery both, with amazing
qualities that are rarely seen throughout
any of the kingdoms. They have been 
known for their self sacrifice and protective

Then there is the third rose. 
The Pink Rose.

The pink rose isn't very rare, so finding a good picture isn't hard.
The pink rose is famous for all its 
princesses. It is mainly made up
of beautiful millionaires, and when
you are to marry, you give not an
engagement or wedding ring, but a 
pink rose. The pink rose kingdom is 
known for its wealth, beautiful names,
The tiniest bit of bravery in a few 
people, and kindness.

Then there is the fourth rose. 
The Blue Rose.
The blue rose has so many beautiful species, that the kingdom couldn't decide on a picture!

The blue rose kingdom is known for its friendship with the white rose kingdom,
and is also very beautiful, brave, and unique, some of the best qualities. Almost
every kingdom loves the blue rose, for they are so very smart and friendly.

Then the fifth rose.
The Green Rose.

This is only one of the enchanting green roses. To see more pictures, go to google images dot com and type green roses as the keyword.
The green rose kingdom is all for nature and
mystical creatures. There is not much to be 
said about the enchanting kingdom of the 
green rose, but that they are mysterious 
and kind, but only if you have proven yourself.
They are known for their strict judgement and 
tricky minds. All twins are exactly like Fred
and George from Harry Potter, but they 
usually live VERY long lives. some are prank
sters even though they are not twins, though 
that is rare.

Then there is the sixth rose.
The Purple Rose.

The purple rose is not common, and it only grows in the queen of the purple rose kingdom's garden. 
The people here are all either wealthy or royalty.
Every one had at least thirty acres of land, and
every person is either king, queen, princess, or
prince of their HUGE property. They believe in
perfect manners, perfect behavior, and perfect
people. The purple rose kingdom is known for
its perfectness, strictness, and bits of bravery 
scattered around in strange places. It is also full
to the top with sorcery.

Then there is the seventh rose.
The Red Rose.

The red rose is the most common of all the roses.
The most beautiful kind only grows on the mountain of love, so this one is just normal.
The red rose is a beautiful flower, yet everyone 
in the kingdom hardly notices beauty. The only
thing that matters to the people of the red rose
kingdom is love. It is that simple. Love. Marriage.
Love. That is their motto. Love. Marriage. love.
They are known for the astounding things that
they will do for love, and how they care for each
other so.

Then there is the eighth rose,
The black rose.

There is only one black rose in the world. It is litterely impossible to find. and it is best left that way.
The black roses people are all evil sorcerers.
they are all horrible, and mysterious. No one
wants to know about them, so no one does.
That is that.